emission reduction

GC: n

CT: Any U.S. climate policy will have to be designed both to protect the earth’s climate by reducing emissions, and to protect American households from undue economic losses. Our model shows that these two objectives can almost be separated from each other. Roughly speaking, emission reduction depends on the price of carbon, while the economic impact on households depends on the uses of carbon revenues. These two policy levers can be adj usted independently, to achieve the desired environmental and economic outcomes.

S: http://www.e3network.org/papers/Emissions_States_Carbon_081710.pdf (last access: 3 March 2015)

N: 1. The emission reductions brought on by reduced commercial vehicle activity in 2008–2009 were almost completely negated as increased economic activity brought emission levels back close to 2007 levels.
2. The (Kyoto) Protocol recognizes that emissions cuts must be credible and verifiable.
3. emission reduction: term standardized by Environment Canada and the Translation Bureau for use in the National Inventory Report.

S: 1, 2 & 3. TERMIUMPLUS.

SYN: emissions cut


CR: blue hydrogen, charging pool, CO2 allowance auction, ecology, environment, green hydrogen, hydrogen refuelling station, pollution.