smart work zone

GC: n

CT: A smart work zone is a construction zone in which intelligent transportation technology has been deployed to increase safety and provide information to motorists. Smart work zones often use side-fire radar or other sensor technology to detect the presence and speed of vehicles approaching a work zone. The real-time data collected by a smart work zone system is used to display important messages on one or more variable messages signs. Smart work zone technology is commonly used to determine travel times through highway construction zones using side-fire radar.

S: ITE – (last access: 3 November 2014)

N: 1. Work zone equipped with sensors connected to an information management centre that, because it is monitored, allows road infrastructure construction and maintenance personnel to detect traffic problems in the vicinity of the work zone and improves the quality of the information provided to travellers concerning road closures and other maintenance and construction activities.
2. Abbreviation: SWZ.

S: 1. GDT (last access: 3 November 2014). 2. ATB – (last access: 3 November 2014).

SYN: intelligent work zone, IWZ.

S: DOT – (last access: 3 November 2014); GDT (last access: 3 November 2014).

CR: computer science, intelligent system, intelligent transportation system.