GC: n CT: The significance of renewable alternative fuels has increased in the last decade due to dwindling supplies of conventional energy sources and rising oil prices. Since natural gas and electricity costs have been increasing day by day, the share of renewable energy in total global energy consumption increases
GC: n CT: There is potential energy stored in a water reservoir behind a dam. It is converted to kinetic energy when the water starts flowing down the penstock, from the dam. This kinetic energy is used to turn a turbine. S: BC Hydro – https://www.bchydro.com/energy-in-bc/our_system/generation/electric_generation.html (last access: 22 July
GC: n CT: Fuel cells cleanly and efficiently convert chemical energy from hydrogen-rich fuels into electrical power and usable high quality heat in an electrochemical process that is virtually absent of pollutants. Similar to a battery, a fuel cell is comprised of many individual cells that are grouped together to
GC: n CT: After two and a half years of intensive negotiations, a substantial extension to the Convention was adopted in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. This Kyoto Protocol established legally binding emissions targets for industrialized countries, and created innovative mechanisms to assist these countries in meeting these targets. The
CG: n CT: The elements listed below are all useful for making liquid manure. Out of these, some are good for pest control and soil fertility, but some work just to provide fertility and are not pest medicines. You can use many more plants and local substances, according to what’s
GC: n CT: Malware creation is on the rise due to money that can be made through organized Internet crime. Originally malware was created for experiments and pranks, but eventually it was used for vandalism and destruction of targeted machines. Today, much of malware is created to make a profit
GC: n CT: A “PANEMONE” is defined as a device which derives its energy from the wind in such a way that the wind-catching vanes move IN THE SAME DIRECTION as the thrusting force of the wind (this is called “DRAG”). This is in contrast to the motion of a
GC: CT: Dish-Stirling plants are a suitable solution for decentralised applications. The main advantage is that this concept does not need water for cooling purposes in the conversion cycle. They are non-dispatchable plants and the production is stopped when clouds pass. Some research is being conducted on advanced storage and
GC: n CT: At higher temperatures, particles have more energy. Some of this energy can be transmitted to other particles that are at a lower temperature. For example, in the gas state, when a fast moving particle collides with a slower moving particle, it transfers some of its energy to
GC: n CT: Using data from a NASA satellite, scientists have discovered a massive particle accelerator in the heart of one of the harshest regions of near-Earth space, a region of super-energetic, charged particles surrounding the globe and known as the Van Allen radiation belts. New results from NASA’s Van
GC: n CT: Solar cells made from III-V materials have achieved efficiencies greater than 30%. Effectively ideal passivation plays an important role in achieving these high efficiencies. Standard modeling techniques are applied to Ga0.5In0.5P solar cells to show the effects of passivation. Accurate knowledge of the absorption coefficient is essential
GC: n CT: Solar energy can be utilized in various ways – to provide electricity, mechanical power, heat and lighting. Passive solar heating and cooling can save substantial electricity bills. Design of a building is very important for tapping passive solar energy. The building and windows are designed in such
GC: n CT: What is Pattern Recognition? It is generally easy for a person to differentiate the sound of a human voice, from that of a violin; a handwritten numeral “3,” from an “8”; and the aroma of a rose, from that of an onion. However, it is difficult for
GC: n CT: The USA Study also reports that: For the first time solar power is beginning to reach cost parity with conventional energy sources. As solar prices decline and the capital and fuel costs for coal, natural gas, and nuclear plants rise, the U.S. will reach a crossover point
GC: n CT: Since World War II there has been a big change in attitudes towards the use of peat as an energy source and the role of peatlands as a natural resource. In the 1950´s peat was still regarded as an important fuel in many countries in Europe, and
GC: n CT: Henan Kingman M&E Complete Plant Co., Ltd(KMEC)has been dedicatedly engaged in manufacturing and supplying biomass processing equipment for more than two decades, with the production range widely covering pellet mill and complete pellet plant to turn biomass waste material into cash cow. Kingman(KMEC) specifically deals in biomass
GC: n CT: Perceptrons are the easiest data structures to learn for the study of Neural Networking. Think of a perceptron as a node of a vast, interconnected network, sort of like a data tree, although the network does not necessarily have to have a top and bottom. The links
GC: n CT: Percolation is the movement of water though the soil, and it’s layers, by gravity and capillary forces. The prime moving force of groundwater is gravity. Water that is in the zone of aeration where air exists is called vadose water. Water that is in the zone of
CG: n CT: Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons that exists as a liquid in natural underground reservoirs and remains a liquid when brought to the surface. Petroleum products are produced from the processing of crude oil and other liquids at petroleum refineries, from the extraction of liquid hydrocarbons
GC: n CT: Phenology is an important subject to study, because it helps us understand the health of species and ecosystems. Animals and plants do not live in bubbles, every species has an impact on those in its food chain and community. The timing of one species’ phenological events can
GC: n CT: Phishing is a form of fraud in which the attacker tries to learn information such as login credentials or account information by masquerading as a reputable entity or person in email, IM or other communication channels. ypically a victim receives a message that appears to have been
GC: n CT: Inorganic compounds containing phosphorous. Used in fertilizers (as plant nutrient) and in detergents (as ‘builders’ or water softeners), phosphates are a major source of water pollution. There presence in lakes and ponds encourages explosive algae growth which depletes water-dissolved oxygen, resulting in elimination of other forms of
GC: n CT: Photoelectric cell or photocell, device whose electrical characteristics (e.g., current, voltage, or resistance) vary when light is incident upon it. The most common type consists of two electrodes separated by a light-sensitive semiconductor material. A battery or other voltage source connected to the electrodes sets up a